This car is simply superb but for the clumsy gearbox. The rideability is good, alongwith the spacious interiors, kool ac, good boot space & a solid silent engine to boost. The cars tough & highly responsive.
The maruti brand lives up to the image of being a reliable brand.
My car has been to the konkan beaches, express highways, hill stations, lokhandwalas of mumbai, & offroads & it has not raised an eyebrow. She is kool as a cucumber.
The choice was not that easy with the hyundais of this world, making the customers feel like a king a their dealerships, & the maruti treating them otherwise. The house was divided into two, one camp was in favour of the Xing, teh other for the tall boy.
Me was in the tall boy camp, but not because of an undying love for the tallboy, but simply to be different than the junta. & yes the reviews were also divide in half. So I trusted my instincts & jumped into the wagon & yeah! was that choice simply super.i think a very overwhemingly YESSS!