I purchased my car in 2006 May from M/s Sai Service Lower Parel Mumbai. Maruti has largest no of service stations and its products are known to be reliable. The product has performed very well, better then expected but I wish I could say same about dealer. Their service is pain, There is lots of wastage of time and many unnecessary works are suggested and carried out.(at our expenses) Just to site one - Filling of Nitrogen gas in Tyre! I have searched for scientific bases for this and has found none. then there were promises of valet service for pick up and drop for the vehicla which was very shoddy and not punctual. Minot irritants like loose wire connection after service and poorly cleaned outiside of vehicle also merits mention, what is worse is very indifferent response from maruti office of mumbai.
So an excellant product but unsatisfactory aftersales experience.