I bought Wagon R Lxi Duo from Mandovi Motors, Bangalore in November 3rd week.
Within 1 month i have covered 3200 Kms on it.
In last 4 days, I have covered a distance of 1600 Kms in my new Wagon-R Duo, (Bangalore-Udupi-Karwar-Bangalore)and did sort of stress testing on the car.
Average speed: 90Kms
Top Speed: 130 KMPH
Handling is very smooth and responsive.
Overall drive quality even on stretches of bad roads is excellent especially ground clearance.
Chassis and build quality is just ok. Should be more sturdy)
Only one concern is Brakes appear to be weak.3-4 times though I braked hard at 100 KMPh from a distance of abt 50 meters, Wagon-R couldnt come to a screeching halt at Potholes and Speed breakers, instead skid and went into pot holes.
Now I am thinking to improve brakes by installing external accessory.
Can anyone guide me on following:
Is there any way, I can improve braking of wagon R by installing Braking Accesory of MGA or some other company?
In case of rim bend what would be impact on normal rim(Default standard fitted by maruti) and Alloy wheels ?
Do alloy wheels also bend and impact alignment/steering wheels ?
Also , In some blogs and websites , I have read that Maruti cars (Wagon R in perticular) performance and Braking can be increased by following
a. Mobil 1 5W-50 engine Oil,
b. Esso 75w-85 Gearbox Oil with Bhadrals gear box additive, and
c. Iridium spark plugs
Has anyone used products mentioned above ?
Please tell the price and advantages (if any) of above stuff.
Overall , It is amazing to drive this car.Its very and Very comfortable with Elcetronic Power steering.
Never realised It was a small car on such a long trip (Even in extreme bad roads).