My cousins have a Wagon R. I dont have a car but I ride/drive it all the time. And frankly I am very impressed by the punishment that this car is able to take. I remember trips from Bangalore to Kerala - driven hard - and the car takes everything without as much as murmur. I remember a particular trip to Kannur in Kerala from Bangalore with five fully grown men in it. In fact some of the guys were carrying more weight than God intended for us to carry. And the Wagon R took it on the chin and still stood upright.The Good -Very practical small car.
Good sitting stance for driver. The seats can be manipulated in every manner possible for every use imaginable.Fine mileage. Very affordable Maruti service. Extensive range of service centers. Takes a lot of beating Holds its value in the second hand car market. The Bad -Isnt the best looking car out there.The headlights tends to fry out now and then.The gears are rubbery at best. Very reluctant to engage into 5th or reverse gears.
In summation, if you are looking for a practical car, then this might be it. Look no further.