I go for wagon r because it iiss a tall vehicle becaauussee mm tall and te drivving comffort, i llike the osst is thee poweer stering giveen to it, hee ssppacious sspccee inside it, the engiene ccaliburee and horse power of the engine is awesome, i drived in ghat roadss but I enjoyed the ride with my wwagon r, te milage is 18kmpl suuperrb mileagee, iits price also within thee buddget, but it look like small vehicle, so it can be ddriven in small strets easily and coomfortablly without any feaar, of scratchs and the colours are not good the silver color is like okay and remaining all are waste and worst, so pls change colors blue is a bit better the ma9intance of the car is also within the budgetand we can go for it blindly