Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Vxi is one of the finest family car in todays senerio. Its the car which fits in everybodys budget. Ex-show room price of car is 4, 50000( INR) , body type of car is Hatchback with MT transmission type. Fuel type of car is petrol and the drive type is Fwd and have a five person sitting capacity. Wagon R is available in many different varient of colours. Its a good looking car. We can go on a long ride easily as the fuel tank capacity of the car is 35lit. Car is fitted with power steering and power window. Its fitted with 4DIN stereo system. Car have a maximum speed of 180kmph, so youngsters also like it without any doubt. Wagon R Vxi have many other good features, which compiled u to buy it and go for a long drive.