Oh Yeah, I did it - 1 Lakh and Twenty one thousand Kilometers.
Date Purchased: January 2nd 2003.
Date Sold : November 16th 2005.
Total Tenure: 34 Months.
Dealer : Ambal Auto, Coimbatore.
Serviced only at Ambal Auto.
Fuel Efficiency: Average 17.5 KMPL / 70% high Way & 30% City.
A/c was on always. 98% Total Run was with A/c. Irrespective if it was Day or Night.
Max Speed: 135 KMPH
Central Locking Kit: Slimattic - Cross Link Wheels. No probs at all until I sold the car.
Power Windows: Auto Cop XS - 4 Doors.
Seat Covers: G-Sport - PU leather.
Total Sets of Tyres Changed: 4.
0 - 21, 000 KMS
OE - J.K. TUBE TYPE - 145 | R 13 | 70 - Was Changed in 21, 000 because of Squeakings and Roars when I apply Brakes hard.
21, 000 - 58, 000 KMS = 37, 000 KMS
Upgraded to Bridgestone Potenza G3: 165 | R 13 | 65 with Aura Alloys. Alloys were replaced when LHS Tyre Kissed a Pothhole from Salem to Atthur and shattered. I lost intrest in alloys. back to Discs. Low Profile always let me low on Highways but car looked awsome with broader tyres...
58, 000 - 94, 000 KMS = 36, 000 KMS
Changed to Pirelli 155 | R 13 | 70 with all new 4 Discs too. Rather not a Bad run. Smooth Drives than de Low Profile ones.
94, 000 - 1, 21, 000 = 27, 000 KMS
Back to Bridgestone Potenza G3 165 | R 13 | 65. I have attached the recent photograph which was taken in OCT 2005, where in the front tyres are almost BALD. lol
I miss him a lot. Wat a car !!!. Never Let me down. During my previous Job, I had to travel a lot. Mainly I would go to Cochin, Bangalore & Chennai from my home town. Ofcourse I am a Coimbatorean. At an average I use to do 3000 - 4000 Kms month. 2 Trips to Chennai, 1 Trip to Bangalore, you can see the Numbers Scrollin so fast. LOL It was a worth buy for me. I ve been driving alone most of the times in Highways or may be my employee would accompany me, if I have too much of work load in my destination. I was working as one associates for the First Class Recruiters ( P & O Cruises ). Only reason that I had to shuttle to & fro often. I was with them until 2005 Jan. I moved to Bangalore as I got a better offer here. I did not have a Parkin space in Blr where I stay. He was rather left in Sun and Rain. Mr.Mouse and family with his Mistress moved in to my cars engine bay. They had good time. One fine sunday I planned to move the car out, as he was in AS IS WHERE IS condition for quiet some time. ( He was rippin all the HIGH WAYS until recently, now lol ). I was not able to open the car using the C.Lockin remote. I manually used the keys opened the car, no lights, No ignition nothing. I opened the bonnet. Mr.Mouse culprit did not use a rubber, Mistress had given birth to 7 cuties. OMG. What happened after that is History. I decided to SELL the car. Car was not going to work out for me in Blr, as my new company offered PICKups & Drops.
Why Did I choose Zen Di? Yes, I knew I had to travel a lot and I sure knew that going for a petrol version would take a BID in my accounts. I had a hard time deciding between Zen D and Indica (Diesel Version). I went for a test drive and you knew the answer ! Lol, sluggish, neva liked the car. But V2 seems to be much more intrestin with same engine.. Ve no clue. I knew TUD5 Oil Burner is more refined and Efficient than Old Indica. Zeroed on the Car.
Techie Tale: I never had a feeling that this car would fall apart in 50, 000 KMS. If it was rain or scrotching heat or what ever, my zen never let me down... It was maintained very well according to schedules.
Suspension Work was done - at 70, 000 KMS. Replacing Ball Joints, Sruts, Lower Arms, Upper Arms, Balance Rod & Tie-Rod Ends. He was back in Business in 2 days time. Potenza took a REAL BID on suspensions. Not much of Maintainence costs. Fill & Run. As I had issues in 2nd Gear A/c on, Replaced the enitre clutch unit - Cable, Clutch Plate, Assembly, Clutch Carbon. 70, 000 KM was my highest bill for like 21, 000 Bucks.
Only the front tyres tend to Bald so fast. Thanks for the TUD5 heavy Weight Champion. Timing Belt was replaced during 2 Instances. A/c Belt as well. No electric Faults. Never stranded in H.Way or ne where, expect for one accident. I always had issues with Exhaust pipe rattle and Door pads Rattling. And Euro 2 thingy was givin some probs like, the engine would increase the RPM by itself, but it was rectified later. Otherwise Zen Di was a great work horse for me.
Number of Accidents: 4
1st Ever Accident in my Life: Conoor to Ooty - Uphill drive. I was following my friends Indica. We were 4 on board. Bugger braked, suddenly. Boom boom bash... Ma zen kissed his Indicas back. The thingy at his back, (the one which is used to tow the car when stranded) proked in to my bumper and penetrated the A/c Condenser Coil, which inturn took a ride on the radiator as well. After I got back to coimbatore, I had to change the LHS Head Lamp, A/C Condenser, Radiator & Some paint job.
2nd Scene: I was waiting at a traffic signal, behind a truck wala. Mad fella reversed the truck, I had no clue why he did that. Head lamps, Grill, Bumper to be replaced.
3rd Scene: Going back from Cochin to Coimbatore. As soon as you cross trissur, down the lane there are a few crossings. I was doing some 90-100 speeds I guess. A gypsy all of a sudden, I dont know where he came from, the car spin outta control, thud, thud, grrrchh, I was in the paddy field. Lucky nothing happened to me. my diesel tank was near the gutter near by. Guess what?? Engine is still runnin. I called up Ambal guyz, car was Towed. replaced the LHS REAR Disc & Tyre, Mount was welded, Stablizer rod was missing. Replaced that too. Rear Strut and Rear Bumper.
4th Scene: I can never forget this. I was again coming back from Annaikatti Kerala Border (Ghat Section) to Coimbatore. 2 AM Midnight. Same speed as no one was in the road. I could see the road very clearly, it was a stretch. I dont know how to explain the scene better. Lemme try. There was a shop on the left side, I can see the lights. I was doing some 80 speeds I guess. One duffer was chasin an other Duffer who all of a sudden came on to my car, Thud on the Bonnet and Windshield. Windshield Broke, lucky did not shatter. I jammed the brakes. Potenza sounded like Metal Scrappin tarmac. Gosh, I was so nervous. I got down, I went near that guy, saw him. (at that instance, my heart pounded like it never did it before, too many ideas, whether to get off from that place, or to take him some where). God Save, he stood up havin his left hand on his right elbow, saying SORRY SIR, SORRY SIR. I got my cool back. Nothing happened. After all itz zen. its chota. I gave him 500 rupees to take an X-ray and gave my mobile number to call him, if any thing happened. Next day morning, supervisors in Ambal gathered to hear my story again.
I never claimed insurance for any of the Accidents - The Bumpers were changed like 3 or 4 times. Lol... Only the paint and tinkerin job costed me an extra 30, 000 - 35, 000 bucks.
OwnerShip Cost: 4, 01, 000 Invoice Price
Accessories: (C.Lockin, Pwr Windows, Pioneer 4025 Casette Player & Acc, Seat Covers) - 35, 000.
Accidental Repairs: 30, 000 - 35, 000 in 3 yrs.
Periodic Maintainence: ~16, 000 for an year. (only this is approximate).
I dont have many pics of the car in the Comp, rather in paper. have a look at my boy.
I sold the car in TN for 2, 75, 000. Not a bad deal ah ?
Did I bore u? I am so sorry if I did. Do comment on the report.
No more in production, so no point in Recommendin.
Love & Peace,