I have a zen di 2000 model and its a second hand one. Its was already run 1 lakh km before I took.Due to this heavy run I was faced a lot of problems. Most of the zen d that r available in market ran over 1 lakh km.so taking a used zen is alwas difficult. Fortunately I got the one that doesnt any engine complaints, but problem was not solved
There is a too heavy engine(1.6ltr)on its front . Due to the heavy weight front tyre wear is high, so want to replace front tyres very fast then back.
Suzuki just placed a diesel engine without making any modifications, so check wheel alignment regularly otherwise one side remove fast. Replace battery with more big one because staring is difficult with that battery.
Im highly struggled with its low power, itz only 58 ps if turn on the AC power highly reduced
It has a very bad and heavy sound
Why I like this car-
The main reasons I like this car is high fuel efficiency. I got simply 25km/l on AC
Stability-normally zen offers high stability on driving it completely got In the diesel version
Due to the small size of its body town driving and parking is easy.breaking is superb for zen diesel because of its heavy engine on the front
maintenance is too low comparing to other diesel vehicle.must need to change oil and filters after every 5000 km but its cost only 1500 Rs
Zen d made by Maruthi so we can get any parts with low cost without any difficulties
if you need to reduce the weight problems high up shook up with weight and replace next big tyre
if you got a super technician upgrade with Belenos shock up
If you have the high craze in zen and money there is a way to make it a super-car
Add turbocharging and inter cooler.
if do it, power raced more than 100 ps, noise also reduced, engine life increase, efficiency is also increase