My champagne beige Zen Estilo was delivered on 1st march 2007 and I have fallen in love with the car. The Zen Estilo (go soft on the ‘t’ when pronouncing the word) has for its father Wagon R and for its mother Suzuki- MR wagon. All of us know that often children turn out to be better than their parents. You know that famous joke about beauty and brains: a lovely little thing approached Bernard Shaw and told him he should get married to her as it will lead to a wonderful offspring with his brains and her beauty. Shaw looked at her calmly and said, “ Imagine if the opposite were to happen…?”
Fortunately for us the lady has been proved right in case of Zen Estilo. Zen Estilo truly combines the brain of Wagon R to the beauty of Suzuki- MRwagon. There are people filling up their original ZEN tanks with tears saying that Estilo does not have the right to use Zen as prefix to her name. Now if you ask any self-respecting south Indian and he will tell you that his name is incomplete without mentioning his family antecedents. So what is wrong if Estilo uses her grandfather’s name as a part of her name! Whatever the Estilo has or does not have, it at least has its grandfather’s turning radius: that means you can turn it in a small space, unlike Swift for example. Now, if you are very keen on technical mumbo jumbo go to Maruti’s website to see a well-created flash presentation on this model.
Let us look at the colour choices: If you are below forty and have a metrosexual rating of 9, 7 or 5 you could go in for yellow, red or purple respectively. If you are above forty, with a ‘been there, seen all’ rating of 8, 6 or 4 then your colours would be beige, olive or blue. Now on the other hand if you believe you should actually own an Innova or a Honda, then you could go in for silver or black. Whatever your choice of colour, the front of the car always appears to have an impish smile similar to ‘Love-bug’, the car in the famous movie by that name.
From the inside, the car has more room than seems possible with such a compact car. That is because half of the front hood of the car has been taken inside and made part of the dashboard. Add to that the fact, it is a tall person car (the tall-boy tag does not go well with 2007 generation!). You don’t feel cramped up inside a Zen Estilo. Since the back seats are slightly higher, you are not uncomfortable with lesser leg-room between the seats (esp when the driver and the man of the house insist/insists on pushing back the front seat fully). The other interesting thing is a slight depression below the front seats, which help you to stretch your legs comfortably. That also has the effect of reducing the space occupied by thighs and butts enabling three family members to stick together cozily.
The interiors also have nice colours and small thoughtful touches. Especially with Mr. Chidambaram driving up the wall the owners of our companies with fringe-benefits tax, you may see the end of fancy cars as perks and money being given instead. At that time Zen Estilo means less of your money being blocked, still meeting all your comfort needs when you travel alone with your driver on the roads of our cities. After all, what use is the ability to touch 0-100 in nano-seconds if there are three wheelers and two wheelers in front of you, at the signal and on the road.
Go for it guys!