I use to drive a ford taurus (size of a cielo) in USA About 14 years ago and was reluctant to settle for a small car. Test drove the XETA, Santro , Wagon R in Nov- Dec 2006 . Had almost decided to go in for the XETA till the ESTILO Swept my heart away. ( Well I guess everyone loves their own car so no big deal). The darn Bangalore traffic forced me to go for a small/mid car which would perceive big from the inside but small from the outside. Got the Bright red Estilo on 20 Jan and sent in for the first service on 16 feb after putting on 465 kms.
While Everyone has his/her own perception of what they look for in their car, the following features in the Estilo are the driving factors
a) Passenger Leg Space is adequate because of the increased height compared to XETA and SANTRO.The back seat is comfortable for 3 Lean Adults or 2 Fatsos plus one kid. If u have a family of 5 people, make sure u test drive the car with everyone packed in
b) The bootspace is really spacious .(2 kids can sit in the same). this feature is handy if u are travlling with that extra bit of luggage.
c) The AC is too good. my wife keeps on shouting after 5 min to switch it off becuse it really chills her out. Hats off to the maruti team on this Aspect.
d) Am yet to chech the fuel efficiency but my estimate is around 15 KM /L With AC in city driving.
e) Price tag of < 4 lakhs for the LXi model. I think its a good deal
f) Improvised Wagon R Engine. it shows its worth at good speeds.
g) Got the car for my wife to drive around more then me. Ideal car for the ladies
since the Smoothie EPS is a great relief for the hands.
h) Sure has a stylish look. People turn around and see!!!!!!!!
i) Every Product would not be a good buy unless backed by Excellent after Sales service. Full credit to the RNS Motors , Yeshwantpur Bangalore team for the same.
j) Maruti has the largest No of service stations throughout india and spares are realtivly cheaper
The Gear Box and dash board interiors could be improved in the zesto.
More when I have driven it around