\ am very proud to be first owner of Zen estilo Vxi in india.because I bought this bright red reloaded zen on 8th decemeber. it a best car , with look, design, performance, control and colors.
beware Santro, Indica!!!!! I drove this car around 400 km in Hills of Himachal Pradesh(Chamba, dalhousie, kullu Manali...) and I found no problem in hills too. mileage is good 16km/litre.
currently my meter show 2500 km reading...... first service has been done and I am very satisfied with my car! once again hats off to maruti suzuki they had done a very good job. it will surely give the tough competition to all car of this segment so life will be not easy of competitor after this beautiful gem from maurti. somewhere I read that this car has a stability problem at speed more than 80 km/hour. but believe my frnds I drove it on 100-110 km. but I found no such problem. I dont why people create such rumours about a product.
and frndz I will keep update all of you in future regarding my Zen Estilo performance on weekly basis.
May 28, 2007
hi frnds,
I am back again with my zen estilo review report
now my meter is showing 5570 kms. and second service is due.
Balance: Good even on 100 km/h
Engine Sound: Less Noisy
Pickup: I just need to push acc. pedal little bit to overtake on 5th gear without gear chage to lower.
AC: Gr8
Suspension: Suitable for City or Typical Indian Highway rare potholes but Not for Himalyan Car Rally .
Gear Transmission: Need to Modify show stiffness changing to Reverse(which is since suzuki born) and sometimes chaning to second gear
Power Steering: Gr8
Milage calculate your self:
distance covered: 570 km
Fuel : 32 ltre (Xtra premium, Speed)
Ac usuage: Mix mode i.e. switched off when required to over take speedy car, or temp car inside became very cool.
Highway: NH 73
Speed: 80 km/h i have verified that this speed suits zen estilo I always got more milage when I covered distance with this speed. also 80 km/h is good speed to niether low and nor high.
Tips for Better Mileage: Always keep right Tyre Pressure
-: Use Always High Octane Petrol like Xtra Premium, Speed etc.