So this my First review on MouthShut. I had been a regular user of MouthShut reviews on vehicles whether its been Bikes or Cars.And really this helped me the most on choosing vehicles for me and for my friends also.
Got my Zen Estilo delivered on August 2011 from Popular vehicle service Thalassery, Kannur District Kerala.
Actually I had exchanged with my old Alto Lxi.I got a benefits of around 40, 000( as the dealer told me).The ZenEstilo Lxi was got delivered by Rs 398, 000/-(with extra fitting including Sony Music System+4 Speakers, Seat Covers, Under Body Coating, Floor Mats, Door Visors and some other little extras.).Had a really nice buying experience
Gone through a lot reviews pictures and lot researches for Estilo.But I never took a test drive(Some of decisions depends upon others real experience).
Till now done 5800km.
About the K10 engine: Its a smooth engine like a little Cat, it never makes u irritated on low speeds and high speeds.U dont have down gears from 5th( not below 38 km/h) rather the engine becomes less responsible.And I had moved the vehicle in 2nd gear on flat surfaces(just to test, not recommended).Got a top speed of 120km/h.At high speeds it seems like flying(Its ok in India, where u not recommended more than 100km/h).
About Mileage : On High way I got a mileage of 22.8km, It was between 5am-9am with almost no traffic.And covered most distance with 5th gear(no A.C).But I touched 110km/h somewhere.With average speed of 70km/h. This was really happy moment for me.
On city I got average mileage of 15km/l(with A.C) and 17km/l(without A.C).I had drove on really bad roads with A.C and persons that time got an average of 12km/l .
About Looks: Some of my friends comment that it looks like a Innova baby.I really like the looks the most attractive is Head Lamps with front bumper.The most sexiest Look is from front view.The back view is not much attractive.Most of my relatives and friends like this new baby.Some others complaint "Why you bought this"(Some people are like this they always complaint about whatever others do without any reasons).
Conclusion : This is car for a middle class family those need little more than the base cars.Its an affordable one.It doesnt have a powerful engine.But you can enjoy your drivings with no tensions.Even though the interiors looks economic its stylish one with better fuel efficiency.
I just have experience of driving vehicles from last 4 years(23yrs now).Have got the more experience of driving car from past 2.5 years.Some things I would like to comment based on my little experience:
1.Always try to maintain speed between 50-60km(Most consistent speed and for better fuel economy).It will provide you better driving experience.
2.Never revert you engine just before stopping it, it adds unburnt fuel on your engine.
3.Use your A.Cs with lower fan speed after the cabin is cooled.Use your A.Cs at least once in a week(for those who dont use A.Cs)for avoiding A.C Malfunctioning.
4.Check the air pressures of the Tyre at least once in a month.
5.Soak the water drops on car after washing.
6.Remove the dirt on your car ASAP.U can use kerosene for removing dirt like Coal Tar(only to remove dirt and clean it ASAP).
7.Always try to maintain a consistent speed with which you should have a confidence to stop the vehicle without any lag at any time(Usually in small roads and cities).
8.Try to maintain eye contact with the opposite drivers at traffic jams and busy cities(for India only:-)).
9.Always use seat belts.