I read all the review about this car and found some good and some bad. Dear friends all human beings are different so is their choice some like-interiors and some exterior, and some others like colour, performance, shape, size, height, hood length , exhaust system etc etc we humans always complain about everything. Like some complain about pickup, and response. every car is good if the driver is perfect and capable of handling it in high speeds and good maneuvering techniques.
with zen iam greatly satisfied with its pickup and beleive me I can see even sedans behind my car.AND Friends another thing I would like to share with you that , dont go with CC{Cubic centimeter}, always go with BHP it is the actual or useful horsepower of an engine, usually the force exerted on friction brake or dynamometer connected to the drive shaft.
The final mantra for great pickup is to use all the power of each gear AND JUMPING TO NEXT GEAR, you should always hear the growling noise from engine.