I got this car in may 2006( and the dream come true). I am a very happy owner of 800 for 10 Yrs prior to this car. For me everything was fixed( for my car) than the reg Number( Red ZEN LXI).
After buying this car I had went to kolhapur. (in june. hoooottt). AC was really a plus point in zen.
We were 5 people and a car full of lagguge still the performance is very good(with AC).
Since then it was never looking back. I marked the average of 12.5/ltr with 100% AC on in pune city traffic. and 18 on highways. I had scored the 21 KM/ltr w/o AC on highways( @75 KM/hr speed ).
Never dare to take it on express highway at very high speed. it may be dangerous while overtaking a loaded truck or a volvo bus(u know the reason).
I am happy with this car due to some reasons
1) Very good AC ( dont loose the power with AC like Alto).
2) Refined Engine.
3)Smooth drive.
4)Good power streeing.
5) Servicing center
1) Big turning redius than 800.
2) no Production so may be no resale value.