I drove the Carburetted version for about 2 years. Have
not driven the MPFI - but is supposed to be a zippier car,
however, with lesser handling prowess (from what Ive read)
Differences bet the new/old:
The older Zen had 13 inch wheels - no MPFI so lesser power
but more than adequate for speeds upto 90 kmph if you love
shifting gears.
I liked the older upholstery better (personal opinion)
A used Zen is cheaper - and will mostly be carburetted...
The Zen is a drivers car. Period. If you have passenger
comfort, rear space, luggage space and other such considerations,
look elsewhere. Again, if youre buying new - theres the
Palio to consider too (esp the 1.6). But I did love the
cornering on the older Zen - drove it to Goa and Trivandrum
from Bangalore and lots of other shorter trips. It needs a
little stick and struggled beyond 90kmph - but at normal
overtaking speeds etc is a great companion. New tyres and
a suspension job (Id got it used) really improved the
handling. Ive heard this has suffered with the new 12 inchers
and a softer ride.
The interior plastics were not too great though they held
up ok - and the ergonomics in the front were good. Rear
seats for long drives were uncomfortable. Luggage space
was ok for a bag and small suitcase and that was that.
If youre buying new, and considering the Indigo (like the
requester of this review) - Id say avoid the Zen. You do
not use bhps everyday. Safety (not the Zens strongest point),
space and comfort are big factors. And the Indigo is supposed
be quite driveable - especially in the midrange (80-120).
Being a diesel (efficient engines) and turbocharged to boot,
it should be a happy drive. The CRDi (later, later) will be
awesome - but this itself should be more VFM than the Zen.
Yes the Suzuki engine will last forever - but how long are
you planning to drive. And the Indica/Indigo should be
very safe cars to venture out on the highways in.
One small edge with the Zen would be cost and standards of
servicing and maintenance. Somehow, there are more and
better Maruti service guys and maintenance costs are really a
fraction of that with other cars (am including minor dents
and scratches).
If ure looking for a used hatch - Zen ze choice is clear.