Guys, Ive not driven any of the Maruti cars so many of you may straightaway discredit my comments. No problem.
Lets see what you are getting for the ransoms you are paying for a car that:
Has AC
Only goes up to 145 km/h
Does not have AIR BAGS
Does not have a RADIO!!
Does not have a CD player
Has no alloy wheels
Has no tilt steering
Has no central locking or remote
Has no fog lamps.
With no air bags, if there is a major accident, you are certain to lose your teeth, smash your face and end up with broken ribs. If any of the ribs portrude your lungs or heart or spleen, you are dead mate!
And what, are you going to spend extra money to install a radio yourself? A radio is as standard in a car as wipers these days. Why shoudl you have to pay extra for such a standard unit?
If a smaller person wishes to drive your car, such as your wife, she would need to sit on a cushion or support, since the steering does not tilt!
If you need to install an alarm, which EVERY new vehicle owner should, you need to pay extra, almost the cost of the alarm getting your locks centralized. Are you willing?
And finally, forget about taking your car out in heavy rain, especially if it is dark in color. Without fog lamps, your car is barely visible in the rain.
I call this car a wheel barrow with AC and roof!
I think when you consider these attributes and safety issues, the economy and speed pickup of the vehicle begins to wear thin.
But its your choice.
Man, in India, they sure rip you fellas off!!