It is painful to note that that many people here were asked to leave on the pretext of under performance while even their managers knew that they were performing very well. The company is not able to do justice to the employees and make them work late( about 12 hrs a day) and sadly delay salary by a month( for the past 2 mos.).
How can we live in this place if it is being so unfair to the employees who have loans to settle, who require money.If the company can hire a #2 position recently( whose salary and perks are obviously very high with profit sharing) why cant they pay our salary on time.Unfair terms are being set on employees who want to leave the company.
Not a good place to join.
Thats all I have got to say but to satisfy the word limit I am pasting it again.ignore below this:
It is painful to note that that many people here were asked to leave onthe pretext of under performance while even their managers knew thatthey were performing very well. The company is not able to do justiceto the employees and make them work late( about 12 hrs a day) andsadly delay salary by a month( for the past 2 mos.).
How canwe live in this place if it is being so unfair to the employees whohave loans to settle, who require money.If the company can hire a#2 position recently( whose salary and perks are obviously very highwith profit sharing) why cant they pay our salary on time.Unfairterms are being set on employees who want to leave the company.
Not a good place to join.