Produce : Rangita Nandi
Director : Milap Javeri
Staring : Sunny Lionie, Tushar Kapoor, Vir Das
Rating: 1/5
Sudden success is the mother of Sequent failures. Bollywood will find hundreds of examples in. These became the first author and Director collect names of solder javeri. Hindi movies start with a few years, comedy in the phase of recognition as the author of big hard.
But last week his written S*X comedy Kya Kool Hain hum-rejected by the audience and mastijade 3, the same category film, not a level entertainment.
Sunny leone take double roll, SeXaddiction and Sx therapy to make the central theme of the story despite the solder film and found neither s*x show comedy. Here are inexpensive, and some pictures of Fuchsia are waste of time.
Wrost movie ever Dont spend any single penny on it