Bollywood off recent suddenly found a new success formula, starting from MASTI, KYA KOOL HAI HUM and many more sex comedies, sadly this formula has got outdated and every tom dick and harry are trying their luck in bringing in sex comedies. Just after last weeks Kya Kool Hai Hum 3 we have Mastizaade. Both films having Tusshar Kapoor trying his luck for a hit. Sadly this time we have talented Vir Das giving him company and also Sunny Leone trying yet again to cash on her sex image. This time we have 2 Sunny Leones. Sadly the film doesnt even make you laugh, it looks like a child was entrusted the job to write the screenplay, it not even funny From Whats App Jokes, FB Jokes and all sort of jokes Direction is awful by Milap Zaveri, he proves that writing dialogues and direction are 2 different things Music is okay
Tusshar Kapoor seems to have stuck into a rut and is getting overbearing with every film, he doesnt even look like a sex addict though he tries hard but he is getting irritating Even Vir Das seems uncomfortable in parts, he is decent but nothing great Sunny Leone with a dubbed voice is awful in both roles, anywayz expecting acting from her is too much Suresh Menons gay act fails, Shaad Randhawa is awful Asrani is as usual