Mathura was a very delightful eatery once upon a time for the foodies. The staff was very polite and courteous, the food quality and variety was also great. The location central to the city. It also used to be free for accommodating seats on normal days.
The picture has radically changed now. I would say reverse.
They have become extremely famous owing to the above mentioned virtues. This has cast a bad spell on their good qualities.the qualities which made them famous.
Now, one has to wait about 45 min. to one hour on an average, before you could get a seat. Next, the food serving staff are always running everywhere. They have lost the "personal touch" they had once with their customers. The worst part is that although the variety of food dishes they serve has increased, the quality & taste is totally lost.
Thats the biggest mood-off er.
Wont actually recommend this one.