Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran
But if your hair behave like a wayward tot; those rapturous curls scoffing at the hair comb struggling to arrange the hair in a perfect fashion, or that wavy hair with identify crisis as it reign in “no man’s land” (neither curly nor straight) and those delightful free flow of silky smooth straight hair which can be teased by the gentle caress of wind! Irrespective of the type of hair you have, it needs maintenance of some sort.
During childhood, granny used to apply homemade shampoo on my scalp (made by grinding the leaves of shoe flower plant) and it was a heavenly experience. Gone are those good old days and now there is no choice than to rely on ready made products. I am afraid of applying oil to my hair as it might exasperate the sebaceous glands and they will bless me with lemon sized pimples on my face! In short, I need to rely on those chemicals that are quite gentle with my “touch me not” skin, scalp and above all the “wavy hair”. Goodness heaven, finally I found a solution with “Matrix Biolage” after toll full of trial and errors with multiple chemicals.
How to choose your Shampoo / Conditioner
Most important – Know, what you want! Also, a very high degree of awareness about your system is also desirable. Come on, you don’t have to go to a specialist as we are discussing about your own anatomy on a peripheral level.
The kind of shampoo which suits my system should be something which shall not evacuate the entire oil field from my scalp. I do not use any oil on my head and whatever natural resources available should be conserved. Hence, the shampoo should serve the function of cleansing the scalp and smoothing hair. No more value added functions like pigmentation, aroma therapy etc. Most important – choose your shampoo after knowing your hair and scalp well.
Conditioner It serves the purpose of giving a long lasting effect of what was done by shampoo on your hair. Unlike shampoo (which works on your hair and scalp), here the function is to focus on your hair. There are some shampoos that come handy with conditioners.
But again, after hair drying I am back to square one. The only solution was to apply hair gel and in nut shell I have been converted as the host of a mini chemical factory! Shampoo, conditioner, hair gel, body spray, deodorant, talcum powder, ----- quite a scary list!
Matrix Biolage Here you have three products available in three separate bottles. Smoothing shampoo, smoothing conditioner and smoothing serum.
Smoothing shampoo
Function Cleansing scalp and hair and leaves the hair smooth enough.
Method of application Apply on wet hair and make it sure that you should massage your scalp with shampoo in the gentlest manner. This should be followed by application of lather all over the hair for a while.
Composition of shampoo Fusion of avocado and grape seed micro oils along with other chemicals like coco betaine, sodium laureth sulphate etc.
The product catalogue itself promises to smooth dry, frizzy, unruly hair. This defines my hair better and hence I could choose the product with ease. After shampoo application, the hair is became quite gentle and smooth without adding weight.
Smoothing conditioner
Function The product catalogue promises light weight smoothing (without depositing more chemicals) agents to nourish the hair and convert the unruly hair to be docile and manageable.
Method of application This should be applied to wet hair after shampoo application. You need to massage with some more force and concentrate on hair and not scalp.
Composition of conditioner Herbal products and chemicals.
You will experience perfect smoothness this time along with a gentle aroma. In total, a feel of getting cleansed and nourished!
Smoothing Serum
You can dry your hair with towel and apply a bit of serum over the hair. This will ensure a bit of shining to the hair along with reinforcement of the conditioning function of hair. If your hair is totally unmanageable, you may apply serum twice or thrice throughout the day (personally I won’t recommend this)
Forget using any kind of hair gel. You will find the hair comb sliding gently over your hair. The effect last for full day. Next day when you wash your hair, you will have the feel of applying shampoo again. In short, you need to repeat shampoo wash only twice a week.
Some final tips I am not recommending this product to everyone. Just like choosing a diet or life style, you should choose your own shampoo / conditioner. Mainly because, all of us are having a unique system and accordingly we should choose our personal product. But in general, anyone who is having dry, frizzy and unruly hair, this is a product you can rely on.
A word of caution Cost is on the higher side. 400 ml of shampoo costs Rs.335/-, 200 ml of Conditioner costs Rs.275/- and 100 ml of Serum costs Rs.245/-.
Also, you will not find many retail outlets selling this product. You may have to catch hold of a vendor or some haircut saloon / parlour through which they market their products.
And remember - A hair in the head is worth two in the brush. ~Oliver Herford.
So, take care of the same!