For all students curious to register for Matrix Cellular connection,
If you are bored to read the whole article heres a one liner for all you out there who want to apply for Matrix Connection.
"Please save yourself the trouble of getting frustrated with this cellular service as it is not good in any ways. And if people are just worried about the ratings I have given then yes its true they have scored a 1 on every thing. I so wished Mouthshut had some negative ratings as well"
For all who wanna read further here it goes:
Billing Rates
This people charge you Rs 4 above the exchange rate and that to the one which is maximum in during the month of usage. So for example if the exchange rates fluctuate between say Rs 74/GBP to say Rs 78/GBP during the month, all your calls will b charged at Rs 82/GBP.
Customer Service
Matrix have one of the most horrible customer service ever. If you mail them any query you can expect the reply only after a week or so. At the same time if you are calling there customer helpline(which never works and keeps you on hold, as their are many like me calling to resolve the issue) you will end up spending more on calls than you would spend on your GF/BF. I guess they get part of the commission from the telephone service provider.
What if you loose your SIM?
This is something which happened with me and which really got me to write this review. I lost my Cellphone(of course Matrix SIM card along with it) on 26th November 2008 and it took them till 5th December for locking my card. Moreover I had to bear all the calls till that point. To add to this they dont have a policy of replacing your SIM card and I am sure if they do it will take them half a year to send you a replacement.
What about my billing after I lost my SIM?
This is another reason why I am writing this review. When I lost my cell I kept on following up with Matrix team(bunch of 4-5 people) everyday to make sure they send me my final outstanding amount and that they stop my service right after I lost my cell phone. Initially they told me that I will have to pay Rs. 5342 which was the outstanding amount I owed(upto December 08). Now this is funny, it took these people 9 months to mail me to say that I have to now pay Rs 9449 because I am breaking the contract(nothing of this was mentioned when they initially mailed me about the Rs 5342 outstanding amount)
*Its not over yet
If you thought that was frustration, there is more to it. Net net I dont wanna bih more about this one anymore. My intention of writing this review was to save you the trouble of going through all this. Please dont but any services from Matrix and even if you do please try to avoid making calls and keep it as a back up cell phone.