I have been also cheated similarly for my stay for five days in Singapore, I have been charged Rs. 6, 500/- which has almost Rs.4500/- plus towards data card services though I was told that this is a voice card.
Moreover, for the same duration of call to my home in India, (of 4 minutes), they have charged differently on two different dates. One about 325/- and other about 54/-
To connect to Internet I had used WiFi, but they have charged that .
I was at Singapore from 21st to 26th of March 2012. I have got a bill only today by email. Bill No. ST1157776 date. 4.4.2012. Matrix No. 97105570 Account Code 529741. They have also charged higher conversion rate than available at Singapore.
This is daylight robbery and a fraud and wrong trade practice.
I am planning to take up with Consumer Courts.
Matrix services may have to be banned.