I had taken a Matrix SIM card for a week in March for one of my trips. Matrix procedure is to take Rs. 6000 deposit. I had voiced my concern to the sales guy and said that I should not be made to run around for the refund of deposit. Sales guy assured that there will be no issues and the money will be refunded within 2 weeks after I return the sim card.
After my return the sales guy came to my house the very next day and took the sim card, assuring again about the refund within 2 weeks. Its been 2 months and I have been calling the matrix customer care for the refund of Rs. 4000, after deducting the bill. Everytime I just get assurances but no refund. The sales guy does not even pick my phone.
After several follow-ups with customer care, I recently got mail stating that they have deactivated my connection in second week of May(1.5 months after I returned the SIM!) and the refund will take a maximum of 60 days!
Why should I be made to suffer and follow-up for 4 months? I will have to spend a lot of money and several frustrating minutes just calling the customer care for almost 4 months.
Matrix sim cards are not only exorbitantly charged, they care a damn about the customer. Matrix costed me Rs.50 per minute whereas the same service costs Rs. 4 per minute in the destination country. The sim cards for this service were easily available at the destination airport.
Matrixs exorbitant pricing and cheating probably explains the amount of money they have been spending on marketing. There marketing spend would probably put to shame the leading celluar operators in India.
My advice to anyone travelling abroad is to find out if a sim is available easily in the destination country. In most countries prepaid sims, phones are easily availble. Try and stay away from Matrix.