I had taken two matrix cards to UK for 10 days, one for voice calling, other for Data Services. I didnt complete the 3 gb quota, I was billed Rs. 5276! Whats Worse is the Voice Calling card. The Setup Fee + Rental was Rs. 699. My bill stands at a Whopping Rs. 11458/-.
The Rep Arif Gafoor simply informed abt 500 mins to India calling free. I switched sims in Dubai during my transit so that Vodafone International roaming would stay deactivated. About 6 calls were made and about 3 received. When I received my Bill, UK usage showed as Rs. 963 and " International Roaming" showed Rs. 8600!!! 14 mins of incoming and outgoing calls shows Rs. 8600. If you inspect the Tariff Card it says 1.91 pounds per min ( India Calling ) and 0.96 Pounds per min ( Incoming ) under the heading called " INTERNATIONAL ROAMING" . So by calculation it comes to about Rs. 2500/-
My total bill should have been in the region of Rs. 3500/- . Now the rep tells me that the Roaming on the tariff card refers to Vodafone Airtel Rates!! If that was the case then It Should not be placed there in the First Place! This should have been made clear in the first place!! they are taking people for a ride. And more Importantly why should they have Tariffs of other Service Providers??? Nobody asked them for a comparison. Else such a thing should be CLEARLY SPECIFIED!
They further have the Audacity to initiate charges of Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 11458/- on my card. I am not going to pay a single penny until I dont get the right bill. I have told AMEX about this and I am going to ensure that Matrix doesnt cheat me.
One min call to India - Rs. 1000!! They need to be shut down!!
Bill Nos.MUK3084385 & MUK3082508
They arent getting a penny until I am not billed right!!