I picked up the post paid sim-card on the night I was travelling to Germany, at the Bangalore International Airport. I landed in Germany and sent them a customer support enquiry a day later, to ask them what my post-paid balance was after a days usage, so that I could estimate what my bill would be by the end of the month; I got an automated reply telling me they would get back to me "shortly"; 4 days later no response; I suppose 4 days is still too short a time. I finally received a reply when I sent them a follow up email asking why nobody had responded to my query; Same day I receive an SMS on my Matrix number, telling me that my bill had reached an unbelievable amount of Rs. 8543; which is 8 times my normal phone bill in Bangalore; so in the span of 5 days of usage on a Matrix sim, my bill had exceeded 240 days of normal usage in Bangalore, India, only making calls to India, Germany and one call to the UK, and sending some SMS to India;
I only got a post-paid German sim card, because their representatives at the airport told me they didnt sell pre-paid German simcards; had I known my bill wouldve reached 8 times my normal cell phone usage in the span of 5 days, I wouldve never picked it up, as Matrix does not save anyone any money; Horrible service, horrible product, horrible value for money; I will never use your service again, and I hope reading this nobody else ever uses your horrible product; your product is blatantly lying if youre claiming to save tourists money while traveling; how is a 8K bill in 5 days saving anyone any money?
This is daylight robbery. With the amount of complaints on this forum, I am seriously shocked that Matrix hasnt been shut down and investigated for corruption / fraud yet. I sincerely hope you never get another customer, and I hope you are exposed as the frauds that you truly are; or if you think you are TRULY BEING MISUNDERSTOOD, then have the guts to come out and make a public statement, clearing up all this "misunderstanding". Moral: DONT BUY ANYTHING MATRIX SELLS! DONT USE THEIR SIM CARDS!