The answer is out there, Neo, and its looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.
If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain
There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
These were a few of the brilliant lines that had stayed with me ever since that eventful day in 1999, when I first saw The Matrix. Mr. Anderson was one character whose rise from being a man to the chosen one was eagerly anticipated, ever since the Wachowski brothers announced RELOADED and REVOLUTIONS. And the wait became unbearable, as the day when Reloaded would hit the theater seemed to be moving further away everyday.
Anyway, the day when Reloaded released finally came. Oh, all this while the Reloaded opening weekend records were already giving the movie unwanted publicity. I say unwanted, cause everyone was DYING to see it anyway! And, then finally the movie released. And, Im sad to say, its one of the worst movies EVER. Why? Did I get bored of the action? Was I expecting better special effects? Did I not digest the concept? Was the Architect too much for me to handle? Well, sort of yes, and sort of no.
The Wachowski brothers made the Matrix as a concept movie. And a brilliant one at that. They were probably the first one’s shocked at the unexpected success of the movie. It broke many records. And, apart from the box office, this movie saw the green signal from film lovers. This was amazing. And, the Wachowski brothers thought, hey, why not make more money with a re-hash of the movie. They must’ve thought- lets shake a little here and shape a little there, and we would have another winner on hand. Well, as far as commercial success goes, they hit the bulls’ eye. But, as far as a memorable movie goes- Reloaded is a bitter pill to swallow. Does it not surprise that the movie that grossed 200 million US dollars during the first week has so far managed a further 64 million, and stands at number 10 at the current US box office? Does it not surprise that a non-starter like Bruce Almighty has grossed close to 240 million, and still going stronger than Matrix Reloaded? Does it not surprise that when asked about REVOLUTIONS (the sequel to Reloaded) most people said they weren’t looking forward to it, since it was shot along with Reloaded, and it would be as average as it?
If Matrix was the movie, Reloaded is just like someone was playing the videogame of Matrix, and their effort was scripted.
Ten minutes into the movie, and you see the brilliance of Neo, Trinity and Morpheus, who have now more people who believe, more people who know the truth. Further 10 minutes, and you see the artists in the Wachowski brothers losing their head and heart, and the marketing people coming in, when you see the hot-hot-hot Keanu Reeves making love to the much older in the real life {okay, on EARTH as we know it!} Carrie-Ann Moss, and the scene continues and you hear the person sitting in the front stall scream “AAH, mazzaa aa gaya!” (Wow, really enjoyed it).
When Link says, “doing his Superman thing” it brings a little mirth into the proceedings. Little does one know that the confused Neo [hey, that’s an anagram for ONE, in case you didn’t know!] is now the informed Neo, and he would keep a stiffen, wooden face throughout. He still repels bullets; he can fly; he can fight; he KNOWS he is the ONE; and in this one, he doesn’t act. He becomes what we call a “comic book superhero” flying in to save the people, saving the world. No one acts; everyone simply wants to look good, and use all the gizmos and special effects. And, to avoid expressions, once again all characters would be wearing shades. The target is to save Zion, and they would do anything to do that, even betray their own wives in front of other people! Another assurance of the movie’s success?!
Before you know it, you come across the Key maker, zillions of other believers, and the best scene in the entire flick, the motorbike freeway chase. In one word, the freeway scene is BRILLIANT. It excites you so much that if the sound system where you are watching is good, you might actually say OUCH! Oh and yes, no matter what happens, Morpheus doesn’t stop talking, {at times Fishburne must be wondering, GOSH, what the hell did I just say!} and Neo wears awesome clothes and even better shades. The confusion continues, the twins keep attacking- and you really don’t know who is dead and who is alive. Oh yeah, one thing that really fascinated me- the multiple un-plugged Agent Smiths. Even in The Matrix, my favorite character was Smith. And, here though he has been sidelined a bit, he creates the situation that makes you feel would finally lead to a “plot” for the sequels- since Reloaded is gone, therefore, for Revolutions.
Quantum physics, Crane-crap, Zen Buddhism, Armani fashions, Cecil B De Mille, Fritz Lang, re-hashed Matrix action sequences, long explanations, orgies, nude actors and Jackie Chan aside, what are we LEFT with here? The Oracle? Naah. She has already spoken (read: BORED) us enough. The scene of the movie is the one with the Architect. I cannot believe that greater than 2% of the MATRIX RELOADEDs entire audience worldwide would have had the slightest idea of what was being said! I heard most people in their comments, in the halls; on the websites etc say that The Architect sequence was uncalled for, boring, etc. According to me, that was one sequence that makes sense. That is one sequence where it seems as the Wachowski brothers have once again used their creativity in the creation of conflict- for the story and the theme.
On the whole, the expectation of a follow up to the great movie looms at large on Reloaded. Good action sequences, brilliant sets and designs, cinematography, sound, and the “movie masala” do not save this movie, which is like Morpheus’ never ending dialogues- heavy on pretense, light on significance.