Saw it...abysmally lousy script, worse than Bollywood (girl friend kisses hero, hero rescues world)
Seemed to me like Warner B. wants to be known as an equal opportunity employer with whites, blacks, orientals, europeans and even Indian software guys worked into the script... the only people missing were gay bishops and the Taliban...
Carrie-Anne Moss looked terribly gaunt, obviously worried about delivering a box office hit and the possibility of living in glossy black latex overalls for another three sequels (shudder)
Keanus zombie-like histrionic presence will surely ensure Oscar nominations for even the expressionless computer-generated noodle-head Sentinels.
And Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith finally falls into the abysmal depths of dental villainy, relying only on teeth-gnashing, hoping that the SFX folks at ESC will somehow add the byte....ends up looking like Amrish Puris second cousin, twice removed.
But the SFX were good, as expected. All props and peripherals are digitally recreated faithfully and have a grunge rusty look( including Laurence Fishburne). Looks like they got hold of some old software for creating electric discharges through space, (used extensively in Back to the Future and the California blackouts). Spaceships, trains, guns, people, cars, everything was spewing electricity like a 220 V toaster plugged into a 120V socket......
Big Indian presence in the movie, though. Interesting Desi software angle around a cute little Indian kid (not starving and impoverished, mind you) with time-tested cliches about Karma and sundry vedic sentiment (in fact the title sequence at the end plays out to vedic chants performed by a stuccato philharmonic orchestra...yawn)
Looks like Indian Americans have infected mainstream Hollywood before the American Indians even had a chance....
All said, I am glad I missed Reloaded and gladder still that this is the end of the matrix. Amen.