I went to see how they wrap up the whole Matrix comes to an end thing. I came out with a disappointment of seeing an incomplete and utterly poor sequel to a wonderful first part. Maybe they should have left it at that.
The ongoing sci-fi theme of man v/s machine was never something ingenious it was the idea of the matrix that was appealing. The philopophy dies in the revolutions. There is the whole dragged out war of the machine vs humans which is utterly boring.
I was disappointed with the second one because of my expectations.. but in retrospective (specially after seeing revolutuions) it did have some sequences like the car chase scene which were worth seeing again. I had a clue that this movie was to be similar but was looking forward to the Smith v/s Neo final fight but that turned out to be a big disappointment. I hear they spent two months designing the water dispenser for the right size of the rain drop, in my opinion that raindrop basically shielded the real fight sequence. There is nothing in the revolutions except for the trainman sequence worth looking at. I think two dialogues that made me sit back in my seat were said by the indian programmer about love and karma are just a word, but then they go one to a pointless talk about everything else. I think the character of Sati was something they should have explored further.
Another statement that the movie makes is women can drive which I thought was a good comic relief. Naobi is as usual very beautiful and I would have like to see more of the morpheus - naobi story. Trinity - Neo chemistry is as pathetic as in reloaded. The whole sequence in Zion was tiring and dragged out and beaten to death.
The saving grace for me was that it was the IMAX version that I was seeing which was absolutely brilliant. I am waiting for the time when all movie screens have that size and they get rid of the existing tiny screens! Imax version of Nascar promises to be very interesting.. keep a lookout for that one!
My two cents, ..Pranjal...