I have been to this place twice. First out of curiosity of hype about this resturant. First time also I didnt like the place but just because of crowd I thought I may be wrong and others right. So I went second time. but I must admit that this is most hopeless Dosa I have eatten in bangalore. even shanti sagar/sukh sagar etc dosa are much better.
Here is MTR the waiters attitude is as if doing some favour by serving us dosa. not even waiter - from cleaner to cashier everyone has an attitude. I am 100% sure no north indian will like this dosa. So thick and poured in 3rd class oil/ghee. they should be some respect for customer. their typical sentences are - "sambhar is over". "there is no vada" etc etc. Menu they tell in such a hopeless arrogant way as if we have come to eat in some charity.
Other things which I really dont care but I would would surely mention about this hopeless resturant
the plates are dirty with oilly. as if not cleaned.
the tables have chatni all around its rim. appears so dirty. you dont feel like keeping your hand on the table.
chatni is so splicy
dosa vareity is also something which I am sure most of north indians wont like it.
dosa is so thick and poured in oil.