The Max Healthcare Hospital seems to have target for their doctors to achieve from each patient. My experience especially of the facility at Gurgaon has been of utter disgust.
Firstly this is not a place for Obstritcis/ baby birth. The post delivery care for the mother is absolutely missing. We realised this after going through the pains when my wife contacted DVT due to lack of post delivery care.
The facility has good many advanced test equipment and the doctors are encouraged to take the patients through each of the tests. My wife was initially asked to go through one CAT scan then another and then a X-Ray. Even then there was nothing concrete that the doctor could say and he prescribed whatever he had done earlier. My suscipion was solidified post discussion with the doctor that these poor chaps have targets set for revenue generation and hence they recommend you to go through multiple tests even when not required.
When you enter this facility you expect the best of doctors available on choice. I had the same feeling and went across to the reception and asked for a good surgeon. They directed to one Mr. Sajid Khan. He was a good old guy one whom you could rely for a significant experience. He has had significant experience in Saudi Arabia. This doc. treated me for my ailment giving me assurance of healing & cure for one full month, and then to my great surprise I found that he had instead of cure really led me into a deep trap of a cronic disease.
I feel Max should take adequate care to ensure doctors who are allowed to practice at their facility are worth the reputation of their brand and do not mess-up with lives of people.