Father had a coughing and acute breathlessness episode at Dwarka, so went to LOCAL emergency. Was treated there for few hours and then as per THEIR arrangement was transferred to Max, Saket.
This was a nexus, actually he was not that serious as projected by the doctors involved, they wanted to operate him and make 10 lakhs for putting a pacemaker in his heart, doctors told its very important and should be done immediately, they kept him in ICU for a week.
Whenever asked with curious questions the doctor would suddenly get busy and such a decision taken for an highly expensive operation without a major test known as angiography.
To my surprise they never wanted to perform the test and they had lame excuses including we have other emergencies. They would never tell the real story.
All said and done when I saw that they are not interested in an important test before operation and also that the ECO test has a major variation that they just dont want to explain and father experiencing no weakness what so ever and they are ready to give him leave from ICU. I understood the game and took to another cardiologist for advice.
Another surprise, my father never complained of chest pain but it was present in all the reports and on argument they removed it in the final report.
Another cardiologist was a straight man and I was lucky he gave the correct advice and my father is improving with passing days. His critical reports were tampered and the same came out on test at the premises of this doctor.
An experience of lifetime for me and my family! Take money but dont play with us u morons. Anyways I have taken up matter at various forums and they will hear the legal slap very soon