I have in Delhi for my Parents operation since last couple of weeks. My parents was admitted to the hospital due to our trust on Dr Harit Chaturvedi which my father has great faith on. His operation was done on 26th of Oct. Since then he has been recovering in the hospital. I will like to bring in kind attention of yours on how hospital like Saket is playing with patients life. So called co-operate hospitals charges are horrendous and in contrary service on the recovery ward are left with maverick quack staff . Patients nor family knows what medicines are fed nor anybody knows here why they are being fed accept doctors. Patients life is left on mercy of the ground staff nurses . I feel pity for the staff
What happens here.
1) One of the nights I noticed very strange smell from water which was being fed to my father, I found out that thermos had not been washed and it was initially being used to put milk tea on it. And these are being fed to patient who are being fed extensive dose of medicines just to keep them away from other infections. These are lethal. Where is the service which have charged us?
2) Other day he wasn’t given the blood pressure medicine in the morning which nurses were insisting were already given. His Blood Pressure shoot up in the night and it didn’t help him of course it didn’t help any of us either.
3) Suction pump was advised by doctor to be in 40 to 50 mm Hg and I noticed today it was running fully on > 100 mm Hg whole afternoon yesterday. I have picture to support this.
I am really worried and feel helpless that I have to leave my father here on their hands.. He is cancer patient and this is his third surgery. There are many ppl here who has very similar experience here.
In spite of this we will had to pay big bill when he was discharged, I will be relieved that he will have to leave this institution where you come to get your loved once taken care off with professional staff but in opposite leave them with mismanaged group of people ..rather I am grateful that god is behind him. If you leave patients on such institution not sure for now long god will have keep eye on their pupil. This felt like Nazi concentration camp which I have seen on Tv.. Saket Max hospital.
Please free to contact me if you want this to be covered in news I will send you pictures…these institution should be closed.