All present and potential policy holders, Beware of Max Newyork Life Policies. Their "agent/advisors are agents first and only incidentally advisors. Bad advisors at that. **They do not divulge vital details of the policies like periodic hike in premia for the riders, that the cash surrender value, vitally essential for the policy holder about to commit to potentially 43 years of bondage. The Cash surrender value at any time before death/dreaded disease or age 100 do part us is 30 percent of the fully paid up premia excluding the first years premium(gratis for the company) and any dues at any time after 3 years.
Which means that they get to keep SEVENTY PERCENT of your money and all that it earned over the years. This Magical SEVENTY PERCENT probably based on the illiteracy rate of INDIA is a very high penalty for leaving a "satisfied family partnership" begun on the basis of incomplete information provided by their highly trained advisors. The policies, riders, premium notices, receipts, account statements and annual performance reports are american jargon filled, complicated, confusing.
Even Lawyers and number cruncher would have difficulty interpreting them, forget the laymen. ** Freelook carries a penalty again the magic SEVENTY PERCENT We suspect. The company is inefficient with unresolved issues from 14 months pending. When questioned waves the IRDA recognition as a justification for all their actions. IRDAs duty was first to protect the 70 percent illiterate from the clutches of these multinational sharks. IRDA seems to have grossly failed in its primary Mission to protect the Policy Holder.