I am an existing customer (Policy No. 728232984) and wrote the below mail to Max (Service.Helpdesk@maxlifeinsurance.com) to work on improving the quality of the website and customer portal. Surprisingly nothing was done and no one bothered to take any action, so I think its useless to keep your money in this company as I you will have to rely on someone to give you details about your own money and chances are that you may not get it in need.
Here is the mail written to them some 3 months back.
Dear Support,
As from policy you can know that I am your customer for last 5 years. I am really unhappy with the poorly designed login portal for the customers. Your portal does not work correctly with modern days browsers. I am a tech savvy customer and does not want to call customer care for every issue or request but its really irritating to use the web portal as it keeps throwing various technical errors (especially in regards to Java). Please do not start suggesting me to try with other browsers and delete cookies etc. I know how to work with computers. Even the most traditional company like LIC has an up to date and good customer web portal and I must say that you guys are far behind them.
Please improvise yourself to meet modern days requirement else customers like me will opt to move out despite your other good services!