Policy Number 349221697, these people are big time CHEATERS .please people never invest with these FRAUDS, I invested 60K fr 6 years and due to thier lack of good service and returns I decided to surrender my policy, these people are telling me I will get 27K after investing 60 K for 6 years. Furthermore they black mail me to pay the premiuims for another 20 years -when it is already 8 years since my policy is in effect and as per thier contract total premium payable is 20(Anual) so do the math 20-8 is how much? where does the additional 20 years comefrom.
Also thier policy states that if the Policy has acquired surrender value no premium is payable and now these people bullshit me into saying my Policy will lapse, they DO NOT EVEN CALL me saying my PHONE IS NOT REACHABLE, MY PHONE IS VERY MUCH REACHABLE, DONT INVEST WITH THEM