After recently getting promoted at work I decided to treat myself to a luxury handbag. Ive always been a big fan of bags but honestly never spent more than £50 on one!
I need to carry quite a lot of stuff to work, so I decided to look for one that was able to hold all my work documents yet was stylish.
I was searching for leather bags online when I came across Maxwell Scott, what immediately struck me was the price - Ive never paid this much for a handbag before! But I decided to take the plunge and ordered myself a large, simple leather bag.
Immediately I was contacted by customer services who let me know there would be a slight delay on receiving the handbag as all are handmade in Italy. I was a little concerned at first (I dont shop much online!) but customer service informed me everything was fine and that I would receive an email in the next few days with an update regarding my order. I was pleasantly surprised with the level of customer care; they answered all of my questions and made me feel at ease about my purchase. I was also contacted twice in the short time I had to wait.
The bag arrived 5 days after my order (this was with the wait time - I would expect it to take that time to get delivered anyway!) The bag is PERFECT for my needs, I love it! You immediately notice the quality of the leather as soon as you open the parcel - its first class!
The only downside I have had with this company is the price, they are splurge items, but the quality really speaks for itself. I dont think I will be buying from Maxwell Scott again, but only because I think my beautiful bag will last a lifetime! Highly recommended.