Every ad conveys a message, a message about the product or service or range or quality or variety or availability or something or the other......................
What this ad conveys??????? If any could understand please let me know......
The ad
The recent ad of Mayur suitings seen on TV features renowned Indian cricketer, Viru Sehwag. The ad goes like this ::
Sehwag playing cricket in a galli with the kids, hits a sixer, the ball lands up in a classroom of a college filled with beautiful girls. Sehwag is forced by the kids to procure the ball, so he wears a suit and goes to the classroom, pretends like a teacher and collects the ball. Suddenly a kid appears there and says, Are Sehwag, whats taking u so long? So the girls recognise that this guy is Sehwag and run after him. Sehwag comes down without being caught by the girls and the ad ends............
The Message
I failed to understand what is the message the ad wants to convey. I could get the following messages from this ad::
# Dont play cricket on the road touching right to a college gate and dont bat right near the college gate.
# Dont hit the ball in the classroom, you may land up in trouble getting the ball.
# Pretend to be a teacher if u want to procure the ball from the classroom. For this you can wear Mayur Suitings which proves that Mayur suitings is a preferred garment by teachers
# Wearing Mayur Suitings can hide your identity even if you a star personality, no make-up required - as the college girls could not recognise Sehwag in his suit.
# Wearing a suit stiched with Mayur Suitings, could help you run faster, as Sehwag could run fast after being recognised.
The messages I failed to get
I could not understand the following things from this ad::
# What is the quality of the fabric of Mayur Suitings???
# What is the variety and range available???
# Is it cost effective or value for money???
# Is it available widely throughout India at number of outlets???
# Is it an old and trusted brand???
# What is the target customer for Mayur Suitings??? The kids playing on the street or the college girls or teachers???
If you could answer of any of these questions through this ad, please let me know....