I went to watch this movie for shreya - superstars new pair. but was disappointed. her acting is one of the worst I have ever seen. I guessed that the movie will be bad and it did not disappoint me.
I searched for the story in the movie and I am writing whatever I could find. Jeyam Ravi and Shreya fall in love - courtesy rain which Shreya likes. Shreya is liked by the villain. He and Shreyas father plot for the love birds separation and they succeed. Shreyas father plays double game and cheats the villain. Villain kidnaps shreya and ravi rescues and marries her.
How was it taken:
Badly taken is an under-statement. Even if I had directed the movie it would have been better.
Ravi and Shreya fall in love and you wonder why.
Vadivelus comedy is as bad as shreyas acting.
Villains introduction is brings more laughter than Vadivelus comedy. director wanted to show that villain is cruel and he shows it in this way. Villains father who is in deathbed calls his son and advises Penn pavam polladhadhu (Dont do wrong thing to women). He also asks him take care of his keeps family and give half his property. Villain kills his father. In the final scene he tells the reason why he did not harm (read rape) shreya. The reason was his fathers advice. He follows his fathers advice but kills his father.
Villain threatens Ravi of dire consequence if he continues to love Shreya. If you think that Ravi will fight then you are wrong. He deafens our ears by shouting and showers petrol on him and threatens to light it if he does not backtrack and the villain backtracks. What an intelligent sequence!!! If I come to know the person who gave this idea I will burn him without warning.
Villain kidnaps shreya and ravi goes to rescue her. Ravi tells his friends that the planning should be pucca. I expected something will be different in planning. But they cut the power supply and ravi rescues her.
Ravi has developed good biceps and you expect him to fight well in the movie. But he has developed good throat. So he shouts throughout the movie.
Villain as usual is a bad villain. When he comes the music changes. He sees in only one angle probably because of a neck pain.
As I mentioned earlier Shreyas acting is bad.
If Jeyam Ravi acts in bad movies like this then he will remain as Jeyam Ravi throughout his life. He cannot improve at all.