Hey guys, today I am sharing a review on the tv serial majya navryachi baiko. friends I watch this serial everyday because my mother likes it. There is too much of disrespectful things in this serial. The story is about husband and wife. The wifes name is radhika which is shown as innocent character and the husbands name is guru he has a crush on shanaya which is a modern girl and she use gurunath for his daily shopping and other personal benefits.
The acting of characters is not so good and the character radhika gurunaths wife knows everything about the affair of guru and shanaya but she always try to sort out the things in their home. She always try to not to get divorced by his husband. The foolish thing is that all the people know about gurunaths affair but they did not talk to gurunath to solve their family matters. Radhika follows shanaya and gurunath but she never take any strict actions about their affair. The serial is for entartainment purpose but they have shown that the husbands are cheaters. There are lots of characters and this makes a lots of junk in the serial.
But this serial entertain its viewers by different things which is a good attraction about this serial.
Thankyou, .