Mcafee utilities 4.0 -- Your PC might gradually become bogged down with software tasks and it wont be long before applications take years to load and system crashes drive you insane. My PC has definitely slowed down over the past few months and any thing that will help is worth a try. The new version of McAfee Utilities is on hand. Many of the tools are standard fare for this type of product, with Window Registry optimization, recovery of accidentally deleted files and hardware diagnostics all well catered for. Though many of the features are souped up versions of standard Windows components. The First Aid component is a must for any one who has lots of software and hardware connected. It analyses your machine for possible problems and fixing them with the minimum of effort.
For those who never seem to get round to backing up their data until its too late, the new Safe and Sound feature can automatically take backups of your files as you work on them and store them in a protected area on your hard disk. For the paranoid, email and data files can be shielded from prying eyes with the industrial strength encryption suite, PGP. Many of the features are available elsewhere but bundling them together makes it much more likely that users will develop good habits when it comes to backing up and performing routine maintenance tasks. McAfee Utilities provides an easy way to diagnose problems with your PC
8 out of ten.