Indias the only country in the world (just guessing) where the McMorons dont serve beef.
On a recent visit, I was informed that their Big Mac (called the Maharaja Mac) now contains no mutton / lamb, as this was company policy. Hey guys, whats going on here?
So now you have a McDumbass with no meat (chicken sucks - rotten stinky bird) and an Indianized flavour which primarily consists of Hinglish names (McAlooTikki burger - Hahahaha! Maharaja Mac - whats that), & everything with a poor chutney / pickle like flavour. Fer Gods sake ya noodles, if we wanted Indian food wed go to Copper Chimney or something.
I think that they should just do away with all their various products on the menu & introduce just a single burger for us simple minded ignorant Indians - The McShittyVadaPav Burger.
This would be made of a bland homogeneous mass of vegetable waste & fruit rind patty, & could be distinctly flavoured with a firangis concept of chatni (or chutney, as they call it).
They could club it with their Fries & a Coke & call the whole thing a Dopey Meal (since there naming their meals after the Seven Dwarfs).
That would also cut down their serving time (excellent speed - no complaints there) to about 3 seconds & the only time youd spend in the damn serpentine queues (like a ration office) would be to fumble for change & mumble your quantity. They could subsequently throw your order in your face & bring it down to about 1.5 seconds.
I found something really hillarious there though... on their opening day in Bombay (Linking Road - Bandra), they served over 20, 000 people there quickly & efficiently (gotta commend those Yanks on that guys - theyre really superb). The funny part was watching all these Indians talking to the service staff with their versions of American accents! Hahahaha!
Anyways, as them Yanks say... Have A Nice Day.
PS : If I had the opportunity to just eradicate one thing on this planet - only one thing, it would be that Ronald McDonald creep they keep outside these joints for the kids - Man, that thingie really freaks me out!