McDonalds is highly promoting its new Special salads. As a veggie and salad lover,
I decided to try one. I ordered a grilled chicken salad and told the order taker
NO BACON BITS. I dont eat pork. Moreover, when I ask for a salad, only the item specified should be in, unless advertised otherwise.
The salad was presented promptly. After lifting up the plastic cover, I dug my
fork into the lettuce and chicken. I found more bacon bits--10 times more--than
pieces of lettuce, carrots, chicken, cheese and other veggies. Ironically there were no croutons. BACON IN SALAD? This was not what I had ordered. So, I returned to the order taker. He said that ALL the salads come with bacon bits, like it or not.
There was no choice. A little later, an assistant manager told me that the Chicken
Caesar salad did not have bacon bits. Why wasnt I told this in advance?
Some people who do not eat pork or are strict vegetarians order the salad. They do so not knowing there will be a surprise waiting, on lifting the cover. There are more
bacon bits on the special salads than at restaurants when a person specifically
requests them.
McDonalds does not say anything about bacon bits in the salads, in its advertising.
Why hide this?
The McDonald Salads are Tainted with Bacon Bits. Beware of the
Tainted Salad Arches!
Mgmtdr, Melbourne FL