I cant remember the first time I ate McDonalds, it was such a long time ago. I remember how I used to love the McNuggets and Cheeseburgers. Little did I know what was in them, or how much fat content they had. Everyone in this world has had McDonalds at least once, you can say that for sure.
Their old logo Theres a little McDonalds in everyone is definately true, whether you accept it or not.
Now, their logo is Im lovin it. Im not really sure if I am lovin it, because I dont want to eat something that has been made with nothing but oil. I dont want to weight 200 pounds.
McDonalds came up with a Lighter Choices Menu. Ive tried one thing from it, the Chicken McGrill, and I have to say its disgusting. I have never tasted such a nasty burger in my life. Although it has less calories, it lacks in taste too. McDonalds should provide something that is tasty and low fat. For example Subway. Depending on what you put in the sub, it can be quite a healthy meal, and its tasty. It is also filling.
In the end of 2003, McDonalds started claiming that their chicken was now 100% white meat. So what exactly was it before, plastic? What exactly was the fake meat? I dont eat pork, what if they mixed that in there? That would be abusing my beliefs and my personal preferences. If it was plastic, that means that Ive been eating plastic during my childhood? I tasted the New White Meat McNuggets and honestly they are more disgusting than the Fake white meat McNuggets. I dont understand how fake meat can taste better than real meat.
I once heard that someone found a condom in a Big Mac. The person who found it in their Big Mac said they thought it was a pickle. There arent any pickles in Big Macs, but I wouldnt be surprised if there was one. I myself once found that my bun was mouldy, and my beef or chicken had some weird look to it. Sometimes they dont even complete your order. I ordered a chicken burger and they gave me a cheeseburger. They charged me for a chicken burger and gave me a cheeseburger. Oh boy did I put up a fight about how their efficiency is so poor.
McDonalds is responsible for many obese people. Okay fine, it was their choice to eat it, but its their fault to provide it.
Could you imagine how much money people have wasted eating junk? Could you imagine if the fake white meat was plastic, that weve spent $3 to eat 6 peices of plastic? What else could it be? It obviously wasnt meat if now its 100%.
I agree, their fries are really really good. Their probably the best fries out there. But, that doesnt cover up for everything. Everything else is a major factor, and fries cannot cover that up. Also, their Ice Cream is good. Although I wouldnt be surprised if they came out with a new gig like Our Ice Cream is now made out of 100% real Dairy products or Our fries are made out of 100% real Potatoes!
The portions of their food are alright. It is filling, but not for long. About an hour later youre hungry again, which makes you eat more. Sometimes their staff is so grouchy you feel like punching them. I thought they were supposed to give you smiles? And theyre supposed to be free. I once had to ask for someone to smile because they were being very rude to me. I was just like man smile youre gonna lose business. I had to ask for one, and it says on the menu Smiles are free! Yeah right!
So, in conclusion, McDonalds should not be called McDonalds, it should be called McDicks.