Dont get me wrong, mcdonalds is a good place, the food is cheap, the drinks are refreshing, the atmospere is nice in the ones which have recently re-furbished but the food choice..... yuck. Ok it is a fast food restaurant so you expect to get greasy fatty cheap food, which is the kind of thing I used to like but not now.
I like to visit mcdonalds with my friends who all but meals or just chips or a burger, but I cant eat fatty foods so I sit there with a drink. I cant even have 1 chip !I know you expect to get fatty foods in a place like this, but there should be an alternative for people.
I also think that there is a variation in hygeine in them. I did once watch a mand wipe the bin with a cloth then procedd to wipe the table with the smae cloth without washing it! Maybe he did break the rules on this occasion but shouldnt mcdonalds do something about it?
Another problem about mcdonalds is that they cook the vegetarian things on the same grills as the meat products, what do vegitarians have to say about this... well there not very happy of course! Another winge is that many peopl ei have known have found gristle in burgers (mainly the chicken ones) this shows the cheap quality of the food!
One posotive thing is the offers it has for children e.g. happy meal and the offers it has for everyone e.g. buy one get one free.
Come one mcdonalds sure you could do better, pick up your standards a bit and youll be everyones favourite again.