It is the first app which waste my 1 month to make ₹10 for first recharge from this app it is legit app as I got first recharge, ie. It is verified in payment. So from my experience it is niether a good browser nor a good money making app.
Its concept is good as we get points for surfing on web but it is giving very less points and a very bad ratio of 1: 1000 as if we want to earn ₹1 we have to collect 1000 points which is too hard. When I download and start to use it I was thinking that it take couple of hours to make ₹10 but it take whole 1 month.
Its layout is very good but it is an exact copy of chrome browser and I dont like copies. Its design is just ok display news like uc news but not a copy and it looks really good. From me experience with this app it is good in some situations but in lots of situation it is worse.
It has features of both of a browser and a money maker but after I use this app for 3 months I just say it is not capable of manage its any job ( niether of browser nor of money maker) .
It is usefull only if you want to do some temporary browsing but if you want to make it your default browser it is not comfortable for you as it start to show a lot of bugs even I havent ever used it for permanent browsing.
From my experience of 3 months with this app I just say dont use this app to make money it doesnt pay you any good amount and also if you want to use it as browser it shows a lot of bugs.
During those 3 months when I was using it I was facing lot of bugs and I feel that it doesnt fulfiling my needs and I am wasting my time on it.