The mCent browser I started the browser to earn cash because its trend now to earn money onlne but mCent gives you point when you use it for surffing any thing which you have to find on net. The mcent is give the point on the bases of your surffing. This thing is slow and its take few minute to credit the point in your account. When you earn 1000 points in your account the mcent gives you option to convert in cash. This is the good thing when you want to convert the point in the cash you can do easily but that cash is in the mCent wallet and its not get transfer in the any other account or bank or other wallet this is the worst thing of mcent.
The mcent give the reachrge option for the wallet cash of mcent but is not good because every one not want the recharge so this is the worst facility provided by mcent. The 1000 points is equal to 1 ruppees in mcent app plz avoid app to earn money for different use on online avoid this.