I am using mcent app since 3 months. I have tried several apps and airtime is still pending. For the first few days there are a lot of apps through which you can earn but as the time passes, the apps start Vanishing. What is this! As there are no apps to download, we cannot get the benefits of Daily Bonus. This is pure cheating. I have referred mCent at least 20 to 25 friends and among them at least fourteen to eighteen friends installed mCent through my invitation and have installed more than five apps each. But I have not got any referral amount. Only four referral amount I got and rest are Vanished. This is just for publicity. Thee are also many apps for which I did not get a single rupee. Are we here to waste our time and the precious data by downloading these waste apps. Its not worth a Single star. Pure scammers. I t is even harmful for our Device.
I would strongly recommend my reader not to fall in the trap of such a scam.
Thanks and Good Day.