MEDANTA- No human life value and Dr Sood(Gastro) THE MURDER. My father went to Medanta on his feet as he was geeting regular checkups under Dr. Sood(Gastro) .He said everything is fine and asked us to shift him to the normal room.
He was admitted and after that a series of junior doctors tried their hands on him.
He was admitted to the hospital on Saturday, Dr Sood and his team came for checkups around 4P.M and said we need to do a surgery and will speak to the doctors on coming Monday whether a surgery needs to be done or not.
Sunday Morning:
One of the sisters in the morning came and gave an antidote for the wrong medicine already given which was not at all required. His heart was already week and could not control himself as was given the wrong medicines.
And again just to be out of picture and to save themselves both of them transferred him to ICU4. and kept him in the ventilator for 15 Days.
My Father was then unnecessarily given sedatives in ICU4 for centre line and some procedure called tracheotomy which was not at all required and finally he was killed by Dr. Sood(a killer), Dr. Srikant(a kasai), Dr Shweta( junior doctors good for nothing- playing with human lives and learning medicine).
I can’t explain the type of hell this ICU4 is- full of infections.(Patients were coming there for some other treatment and were getting lung infections as the doctors were doing trachestomy to almost all the patients, even those who don’t require it, and in this procedure they were infecting the patients lungs. The cost of this procedure they were charging was around Rs.25000)
And when you ask them, what about the other people who is admitted under icu4 will they get saved or not.Dr Srikant the head of ICU4 says none of the people admitted here are going to be saved.
Can somebody punish them. If Yes, Pl. do it. We are finding our self helpless.Please help us in punishing these peoples like Dr Sood, Dr shweta, Dr Sriakant etc. There are lot of people like us who are suffering .Please some take actions against these people
Plz Plz Plz!