SOS- Last month my mother(aged 66 yrs) had undergone cardiac surgery at Medanta for combo-device implant. It was informed that the earlier implanted pace maker had to be removed and replaced with combo-device. Now since she was complaining chest problems, we took her again to Medanta, this time it was informed that the leads of the combo-device has dis-located and as an emergency case my mother would have to undergo the surgery once again for fixation of the leads. The doctor says it happened due to thin skin. I wish to know [1] Is this type of dislocation of leads normal / regular, and that too for a patient of 66 years of age [2] considering that the earlier pace maker implanted had lasted for over 6.5 years and we faced no problem or such dislocation of leads. why it has happened this time. [3] is this a case of negligence - casual treatment which has lead to complication. [4] though the cost of remediation of dislocation is huge and we have no option but to undergo surgery, is there any other recourse.
Sundeep Verma